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multiple-value-call function-form form* => result*

Arguments and Values:

function-form---a form; evaluated to produce function.

function---a function designator resulting from the evaluation of function-form.

form---a form.

results---the values returned by the function.


Applies function to a list of the objects collected from groups of multiple values[2].

multiple-value-call first evaluates the function-form to obtain function, and then evaluates each form. All the values of each form are gathered together (not just one value from each) and given as arguments to the function.


 (multiple-value-call #'list 1 '/ (values 2 3) '/ (values) '/ (floor 2.5))
=>  (1 / 2 3 / / 2 0.5)
 (+ (floor 5 3) (floor 19 4)) ==  (+ 1 4)
=>  5
 (multiple-value-call #'+ (floor 5 3) (floor 19 4)) ==  (+ 1 2 4 3)
=>  10

Affected By: None.

Exceptional Situations: None.

See Also:

multiple-value-list, multiple-value-bind

Notes: None.

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