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slot-value object slot-name => value

Arguments and Values:

object---an object.

name---a symbol.

value---an object.


The function slot-value returns the value of the slot named slot-name in the object. If there is no slot named slot-name, slot-missing is called. If the slot is unbound, slot-unbound is called.

The macro setf can be used with slot-value to change the value of a slot.


 (defclass foo () 
   ((a :accessor foo-a :initarg :a :initform 1)
    (b :accessor foo-b :initarg :b)
    (c :accessor foo-c :initform 3)))
=>  #<STANDARD-CLASS FOO 244020371>
 (setq foo1 (make-instance 'foo :a 'one :b 'two))
=>  #<FOO 36325624>
 (slot-value foo1 'a) =>  ONE
 (slot-value foo1 'b) =>  TWO
 (slot-value foo1 'c) =>  3
 (setf (slot-value foo1 'a) 'uno) =>  UNO
 (slot-value foo1 'a) =>  UNO
 (defmethod foo-method ((x foo))
   (slot-value x 'a))
 (foo-method foo1) =>  UNO

Affected By: None.

Exceptional Situations:

If an attempt is made to read a slot and no slot of the name slot-name exists in the object, slot-missing is called as follows:

 (slot-missing (class-of instance)

(If slot-missing is invoked, its primary value is returned by slot-value.)

If an attempt is made to write a slot and no slot of the name slot-name exists in the object, slot-missing is called as follows:

 (slot-missing (class-of instance)

(If slot-missing returns in this case, any values are ignored.)

The specific behavior depends on object's metaclass. An error is never signaled if object has metaclass standard-class. An error is always signaled if object has metaclass built-in-class. The consequences are unspecified if object has any other metaclass--an error might or might not be signaled in this situation. Note in particular that the behavior for conditions and structures is not specified.

See Also:

slot-missing, slot-unbound, with-slots


Although no implementation is required to do so, implementors are strongly encouraged to implement the function slot-value using the function slot-value-using-class described in the Metaobject Protocol.

Implementations may optimize slot-value by compiling it inline.

The following X3J13 cleanup issues, not part of the specification, apply to this section:

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