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Value Type:

a pathname object.

Initial Value:

An implementation-dependent pathname, typically in the working directory that was current when Common Lisp was started up.


a pathname, used as the default whenever a function needs a default pathname and one is not supplied.


 ;; This example illustrates a possible usage for a hypothetical Lisp running on a
 ;; DEC TOPS-20 file system.  Since pathname conventions vary between Lisp 
 ;; implementations and host file system types, it is not possible to provide a
 ;; general-purpose, conforming example.
 *default-pathname-defaults* =>  #P"PS:<FRED>"
 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "CALENDAR"))
 (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (pathname "<MARY>")))
   (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name "CALENDAR")))

Affected By:

The implementation.

See Also: None.

Notes: None.

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